Yoga & meditation in English

Courses in Stockholm

UPCOMING: No courses in English currently scheduled. 

Courses in English - with yoga, relaxation and meditation

Here, you will find times and prices for our courses in English in Stockholm.
Select course type below. Enrolment is done through the enrolment form at the bottom of the page.

Our courses in Swedish are listed on these pages:
Yogakurser • Meditationskurser • Gravidyoga

All of our courses take place in our new facilities at Frejgatan 43, close to T-Odenplan and T-Rådmansgatan. Map. You can even participate online via Zoom.

Waiting list: If the course/courses that you want to join are fully booked, we can place you on a waiting list. Fill in your name, address, phone number etc. in the enrolment form at the bottom of this page, and write what course/courses you want to be on the waiting list for in the field labelled "Waiting list". We will contact you over the phone if a space becomes available.

Info about prices and discounts

At each course there are two prices specified: normal price / discount price.

  • The discount price after the slash is available for the unemployed, full time students, and pensioners.
  • If you are below 20 you pay half of the full price. Please show ID at the start of the course.
  • If you attend several courses during the same course period, we will give you a 20% discount for the second and third course.
    Does not apply to drop-in classes, Håå follow up and pregnancy yoga with partner.
    We have five course periods in a year: Spring 1: Jan - Mar. Spring 2: Mar - June. Summer: July - Aug. Autumn 1: Sept - Nov. Autumn 2: Nov - Dec.
  • VAT (MOMS): Yoga courses have 6% VAT. Meditation courses have 25% VAT.
  • If you pay through Wellnet, or ePassi, only the full price is available (no discounts).
How to enrol
  1. Choose the course/courses you want to attend, and go to the enrolment form at the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter your name, address, phone number, e-mail etc. and hit submit.
  3. When we have registered your enrolment we will send a confirmation, through email or regular mail. This is normally sent within a few days. Payment details are in the confirmation. If you do not receive the confirmation, contact us.
    Note! If you have selected confirmation through email and not received anything, please check your spam/junk mail folder. If you do not find it there, please email us at
  4. If the course you want to join has been filled up, we will contact you.
Payment terms (and terms for cancellation)
  • The course fee should be paid at least 14 days before the start of the course to PlusGiro-account 94 26 80-0, or paid immediately if you receive a space later than 14 days before the start of the course.
  • When paying, please specify your reference number, as well as course type, day and time. Reference number and other payment details are found in your confirmation. If you have not received your confirmation, contact us.
  • Note! Not paying does NOT constitute a cancellation.
  • Terms for cancellation: Cancellation should be done through email or phone. You can cancel without any charge at the latest 14 days before the start of the course. When cancelling 13 - 4 days before the start of the course, a 300 kr administrative fee is charged. When cancelling 3 - 1 days before the start of the course, we charge half the course fee. When cancelling less than 24 hours before the start of the course, we charge the entire course fee.
  • If you are on a waiting list and get a space, the above conditions are valid when you have confirmed that you want to participate.
  • We are connected to Wellnet and ePassi.
    - If you want to pay through Wellnet, check this under "Workplace compensation (Friskvårdsbidrag)" on the enrolment form. Note! The course must be booked both with us and on Wellnets webpage.
    - If you want to pay through ePassi, check this under "Workplace compensation (Friskvårdsbidrag)" on the enrolment form.
  • Receipt for workplace compensation (Friskvård): If you want a receipt for your payment, you can get this at the start of the course, provided that we have received your payment through PlusGiro. Specify this under "Workplace compensation (Friskvårdsbidrag)" in the enrolment form.
  • If you want an invoice written to your workplace, specificy this under "Workplace compensation/Friskvårdsbidrag" in the enrolment form. Invoice fee is 50 kr + VAT. Remember to write the billing address as well. If you need a basis for receiving compensation from your employer, it is usually enough with a receipt.
Other practical info

For practical information about the teaching via Zoom, see relevant course and the letter of confirmation you'll receive via email once you have booked. If you want to join us at the school for classes, notify us when you enroll, or let us know via email.

Note! Do not eat a large meal 3 - 4 hours* before the class.
*) For classes before noon - eat a light breakfast quite early, so that you have digested the food as much as possible before the class starts

  • All of our courses onsite in Stockholm take place in our facilities at Västmannagatan 62, close to T-Odenplan (around 5 minutes from "T-Centralen" with the green metro line or "Citybanan")
  • Yoga mats are available in our yoga rooms. Just bring a clean towel or bed sheet to cover the mattress with
  • Bring loose fitting clothing. You can change clothes at the school.
  • Please avoid using hair spray, or other products with perfume.
  • When you're here, take a holiday from your mobile phone!
    Please turn off your phone completely before entering the school - and keep it off the whole time.
  • If you come by car, make sure to go early so you have time to find a parking space.

Yoga in English - weekly courses, on site & online

Yoga, relaxation and meditation
No previous experience of yoga is required. Both for you who want to start with yoga, and for you who have done yoga before but not at Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School.

Read more about the beginners courses

Yoga in English - once a week

The beginners courses contain yoga, breathing exercises, the deep relaxation Yoga Nidra, the concentration method Tratak, the meditation Returning and the first steps of the meditation Source of Energy.
Each lasts 2 hours and 15 minutes, of which approx. 1 hour is yoga poses.
Read more about the content of our courses.

Beginners level - no previous knowledge of yoga is required!
The courses are suitable for both beginners and those who have done yoga before, but not at the Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School (i.e. that even if you have done yoga for a while, but not with us, you should still take the beginners course.).

Good to know
To get the most out of the course it is important to take part in all classes. It is also of great benefit if you use the yoga and meditation on your own at home. In case you miss a class, we recommend that you catch up on one of the beginners' courses (in Swedish) during the same course period - or a drop-in class. Ask your teacher for more information.

Want to take several courses?
If you want to go several courses, we will give you a 20% discount for the second and third course that you attend in the same course period.
(Applies to all courses at the school in Stockholm, except drop-in classes, Håå follow up and Pregnant yoga with partner.)

YOGA IN ENGLISH weekly course  on site & online
Day Time Date Classes Teacher Price
No courses in English currently scheduled. Please contact us if you are interested in courses in English.

    Enrolment form - English courses in Stockholm

    1. Select your course in the dropdown menu below.
    2. Please specify if you want to join the course on site at the school or online via Zoom
    3. Enter your name, address, email, phone etc. - and hit send.
    4. When we have registered your enrolment we will send a confirmation by email.
    Note! Payment details are in the confirmation.
    5. Should the course get fully booked before we receive your enrolment, we will contact you.

    I want to book - select course/intro:

    Note! To book our other courses in Swedish, go to: YogakurserMeditationskurser Gravidyoga

    Specify here if you want to join the course on site at the school or online via Zoom.
    I would like to join ON SITE in the yoga room.I want to join ONLINE VIA ZOOM.


    At each course, two prices are specified: 1) Normal price. 2) After the slash: Discount price for full time students, unemployed and pensioners (please show valid documentation at the start of the course). If you are below 20, you pay half of the full price! (Show ID at the start of the course.)

    Discount (if booking several courses):
    20% discount, since I am participating in more than one course at the school in Stockholm during the same course period.Specify below what course you are already enrolled for (course type, level, day/time, start date):

    This discount is only available if you are enrolled for more than one course WITHIN THE SAME COURSE PERIOD.
    We have five course periods in a year: 1) SPRING-1: Jan - Mar, 2) SPRING-2: Mar - June, 3) SUMMER: July - Aug, 4) AUTUMN 1: Sept - Nov. 5) AUTUMN 2: Nov - Dec. You pay the normal price for the first course, and get a 20 % discount on the following courses, determined by the starting date of the courses. The discount does not apply to drop-in classes, Håå follow up and pregnancy yoga with partner.

    Waiting list for fully booked courses:
    In case a course has been fully booked you can sign up on the waiting list here (write course type, level, day/time, start date, teacher). We will call you if a space opens up.


    Enter your contact details below (* = required)

    *First name:

    *Last name:


    *Postal code:


    *Tel home: (If you only have a mobile number, write it here)


    Ev. job tel/mobil:


    *Email: Confirm by writing your email address again.

    Workplace compensation (Friskvårdsbidrag):
    If you are able to receive compensation for the course as a work benefit and need a receipt at the start of the course, specify this here:
    I will pay myself through Plusgiro and I don't need a written receipt.I will pay myself through Plusgiro and want a RECEIPT AT THE START OF THE COURSE.I am paying through WELLNET. (Remember to book the course through Wellnets webpage as well.)I am paying through ACTIWAY.I am paying through MIN FRISKVÅRD.I want an invoice made out to my workplace. (Invoice fee: 50 kr + VAT.) Note! Enter company name and billing address below.

    Newsletter (in Swedish):
    We send out newsletters e.g. when a new program is released and when we have events at the school. The newsletter is sent to the address you entered above, at the most once a month.
    Yes please, send me the newsletter by email.No thank you, I do not want to receive the newsletter.Note! If you have unsubscribed from our newsletter before, and want to receive it again, click here.

    Other information about your enrolment:

    Note! Payment terms at enrolment:
    • The course fee should be paid at least 14 days before the start of the course to PlusGiro-account 94 26 80-0, or paid directly if you receive a space later than 14 days before.
    Note! Not paying does not constitute a cancellation.
    • Cancellation should be done through email or phone. You can cancel without any charge at the latest 14 days before the start of the course. When cancelling 4 - 13 days before the start of the course, a 300 kr administrative fee is charged. When cancelling 1 - 3 days before the start of the course, we charge half the course fee. When cancelling less than 24 hours before, we charge the entire course fee.
    • If you are on a waiting list and get a space, the above conditions are valid when you have confirmed that you want to participate.

    I understand that that it is a condition of participating in any course at the Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School that I make the commitment not to pass on or to teach anything about yoga and meditation on the basis of what is taught on the course. In order to be competent to express myself about these yoga and meditation techniques or to teach them to others, I require a complete yoga teacher education at the school.